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Sub-category of EVENTS. This denotes an event that is being PLANNED to occur. The news story would indicate who what where when how, etc. of the event. Can include a photo. Could be deleted after the event is over and a new story submitted for COMPLETED event.

Membership Drive August 20 at the Leland Under the Lights Car Show

Leland VFW Post 12196 is inviting you to join our award-winning Post. If you have earned one of these, you are qualified for membership. Contact us at 910-408-1934 or at Some of our annual events include- Vietnam War Era Veterans Commemoration; Korean War Era Veterans Commemoration; 9-11 Day of Remembrance; Memorial Day Buddy Poppy Days; Teacher of the Year; Safety Officer of the Year Awards and Coat and Can Drives to help our community. We look forward to hearing… Read More »Membership Drive August 20 at the Leland Under the Lights Car Show

VFW Post 12196 and WWAY to host Blood Drive

      COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE Honoring our Military Sponsored by Leland VFW Post 12196 and WWAYTV3   Held at 1224 Magnolia Village Way Leland, NC 28451 Tuesday, July 12th 12:00PM to 5:00PM To Schedule your lifesaving blood appointment, visit and enter sponsor code: “VFW Leland” or call Rob Jones at 910-301-7043/[email protected].   FREE RED CROSS T’SHIRT TO ALL PRESENTING DONORS Save time on your donation day of by visiting    

Korea War Era Veterans Breakfast July 27th

The Leland VFW Post 12196 will be hosting a Korean War Era Veterans Commemoration Day BREAKFAST in Leland on July 27 from 8am until 10am This event will be hosted at the Leland Cultural Arts Center in Leland We would also like to thank our sponsors for this event: Deb Pickett, Financial Adviser with Edward Jones and David Sink, Jr., owner of Meineke Car Care in Leland        All veterans are invited to join us in honoring these… Read More »Korea War Era Veterans Breakfast July 27th

Vietnam Veterans Day – March 29th

The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that today there are more than 6 million U.S. Vietnam veterans living in America and abroad, along with 9 million families of those who served during this timeframe.  The American Legion  makes  no distinction between veterans who served in-country, in-theater, or who were stationed elsewhere during the Vietnam War period.  All were called to serve and none could self-determine where they would serve. We also commit ourselves to helping ALL veterans and especially those Vietnam Veterans who… Read More »Vietnam Veterans Day – March 29th

VFW 12196 Vietnam Nam Veterans Day

National Vietnam War Veterans Day – March 29th

The Leland VFW Post 12196 will be hosting a National Vietnam War Veterans Day on Mar. 29, 2022 at 5 pm. The event will be held at Founder’s Park in Leland (113 Town Hall Dr, Leland, NC 28451). The commemoration recognizes all who served on active duty in the U. S. Armed Forces at any time during the period of November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975.  As part of that ceremony, as a lasting memento of the nation’s gratitude,… Read More »National Vietnam War Veterans Day – March 29th

Veterans Day Lunch @ BCC

BRUNSWICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE Veteran’s Day Lunch for Veterans Brunswick Community College will be sponsoring a lunch for their Veterans on November 10th @ 12:30pm.  Location is outside the Odell Williams Auditorium on the BCC main campus.  In the event of bad weather, the event will be moved inside.  This luncheon is for all BCC Veteran students along with any other area veteran.  Jason Gaver, Commander of Leland VFW 12196 will be the guest speaker. For more information, please contact Julie… Read More »Veterans Day Lunch @ BCC

Veterans Day Breakfast-2021

The Brunswick Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a Veterans Day Breakfast on November 11th 2021. Breakfast will be served at the Leland Cultural Arts Center 1212 Magnolia Greens Way in Leland from 8:30am to 10:30am. You can RSVP by calling 910-383-0553 This is a full breakfast, with hand-out bags of discounts, entertainment and speaker,  and freebies. Many volunteers are there to accommodate and serve a big breakfast, cookies, etc. Come and go as you wish.  This event is sponsored… Read More »Veterans Day Breakfast-2021

Canned Food/Coat Drive

VFW Post 12196 will be sponsoring a Canned Food and Coat Drive This event is Co-Sponsored with The Teen Scene and local Cub Scout Pack WHEN:  November 6th from 8am to 1pm WHERE: Parking lot of Leland Founders Park (same location as last year)  

Belville Fall Festival

Belville Fall Festival   WHEN:  October 2nd from 10am – 4pm WHERE:  TBD   WE Need Post members to support this event!  Gaver/Decker cannot participate.  Please email Commander Gaver @ [email protected] by 17 SEP if you can support